9:00 & 10:30 a.m. at 90 Main St.


Study the Bible, build friendships, and live out your faith.

Cross integrated into a tree symbol in outline style.

Growing in the Gospel

We are committed to making the gospel central to everything we believe and do because the gospel isn't just what saves us, it's what continually keeps believers and churches rooted, growing, and multiplying.

Green network icon with central node and six connected dots

Making Disciples

We are committed to the process of making disciples in the Dubuque area because we believe that the priority of the local church is to help people find and live out their identity in Christ.

Simple church icon with cross on steeple

Planting Churches

We are committed to planting churches locally, regionally, and globally because we believe planting churches is a primary outworking of growing in the gospel and making disciples in the Dubuque area.

9:00 & 10:30 AM

All are welcome, and we’d love to have you join us.


Nursery: For children for ages 0-3
Kids Church: Age 4–Kdg. & 1st–3rd Grade


Watch or listen to our archive of Sunday teachings:

Small Groups

We believe the gospel is best lived out in community. In small groups we study the Bible together, build friendships, and live out our faith with others. Small groups are for people looking to grow in their faith and for those exploring what faith means to them.


Gospel Centered

It's All About Jesus

We believe that the gospel should be central to everything we believe and do such as our preaching, teaching, discipleship, philosophy of ministry, and strategy for mission as well as our understanding of scripture and the formation of our worldview.

Relationships and Biblical Community

Following Jesus Together

We believe that the gospel is meant to be applied and displayed in the context of community, which means that ministry is ultimately about relationships.

The Heart

The Core of Who We Are

We believe that ministry should focus on the heart, which is the foundational place from which all meaningful and lasting transformation stems from.

Maturity Through Mission

How We Grow Spiritually

We believe that actively engaging in the mission of making disciples is a vital and essential part of being a healthy and growing disciple of Jesus.

Missionaries > Magnets

The Ministry of All Believers

We believe that our primary philosophy of evangelism should be centered on our people thinking and acting like missionaries in their everyday lives.

Developing Leaders

Making Disciple-Making Disciples

We believe that the strategic and intentional development of disciple-making leaders should be prioritized in the life of our church.

Healthy Multiplication

Healthy Things Grow

We believe that multiplication is a natural outworking of growing in the gospel and should be taking place at every level of our church in healthy ways.

Corporate Worship

The Gathering of the Church

We believe that the regular corporate gathering of the church plays a unique and indispensable role in carrying out our mission and vision.

River City Church is affiliated with the
Evangelical Free Church of America.

Our Leaders

  • Aaron Morrow

    Aaron Morrow


    Aaron is married to Becky and they have three daughters: Leah, Maggie, and Gracie. Aaron graduated from UW-River Falls in 2002 and from Moody Bible Institute with his Masters in 2015.

  • Brandon Pepin

    Brandon Pepin


    Brandon is married to Hannah and they have two children: Emma and Caleb. Brandon graduated from UW-Platteville in 2008 and from Southeastern Seminary with his Masters in 2020.

  • John Lightbody

    John Lightbody


    John is married to Jenny and they have three children: Evan, Owen, and Norah. John graduated from UW-Platteville in 2010 and he works full-time as an Electrical Engineer in Dubuque.

  • Becca King

    Becca King

    Kids Ministry Director

    Becca is married to Ryan and they have three children: Ana, Wesley, and Cameron. Becca graduated from UW-Platteville in 2012 with a degree in Middle Level Education.

  • Becky Morrow

    Becky Morrow

    Women's Leadership Director

    Becky is married to Aaron and they have three daughters: Leah, Maggie, and Gracie. Becky graduated from Bible college in 1999 and also works as the EFCA national director for church planting wives.

  • Steph Burchardt

    Steph Burchardt

    Gospel Care Director

    Steph is married to Andy and they have two daughters: Ruby and Juliet. Steph graduated from UW-Platteville in 2012 with a degree in Psychology and holds multiple certificates in Biblical Counseling from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF).

Have questions? We’d love to talk.